Monday, March 21, 2011

just a flag...

so the past few months have been pretty stressful for me... not going to go into all the details because

a) nobody wants to hear me bitch
b) the whining lamp is not lit (as my dad says)

but there are things that have been weighing on my mind and things that have transpired that i wish hadn't... some people know all of these things... some people know none of these things... but like i said - that's not the point of this post... loyd is...

remember this guy ??? i first met loyd in november of 2010 and i wondered if he had any family that ever came to visit him... today on my way home from work i was searching for some inner peace and decided to stop by and have a little chat with loyd... imagine my surprise when i walked to his tombstone and saw an american flag staked in the ground in front of him... i let out a huge laugh and slapped his tombstone like he was an old drinking buddy i hadn't seen for years... i think i might have actually said out loud "look at you, you little fucker"... at that point i looked around and was thrilled that i was the only person around... i cried i was so happy that somebody had left a flag there for him... i sat down in front of him and told him everything that was going on and felt a great release... it was then that i noticed the ground next to the flag... there was a brown spot the shape of the rock that i had left sitting there and green grass growing up all around it... that rock had been sitting there for quite some time... now i wonder if whoever left the flag removed the rock and what kind of shape the note to loyd was in...

thanks loyd... not only for serving our country but for listening to me... i can assure you i will sleep better knowing that somebody out there besides me thinks of you...